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Is This an Inkling of Euphoria?


I hope all is progressing well.


As night leaves no shadowing

footprint without light,

I lay my body to rest,

I'm breathing,

My mind smells

a scent that tastes


No one is cooking,

Not a thing is burning,

Not a door or window

is open even slightly.

My mind is awake experiencing

that which I am only able to embrace

and barely can fathom then I sleep.

I wake, eat, brush my teeth--

I observe a damp ground,

a few clouds dissipating above,

full far away.

Walking with bags hanging

from my shoulders, one

hand hanging by my side

feels moisture, I don't feel any

rain on my head, I see water

splattering on the ground

in front of me, looking above

at wisps of clouds I ask myself,

where is the rain? then notice

sprinklers about the grass near.

I walk in the street instead

of the path of sprinkling water,

thinking of how a mind may

perceive, and, a grin, at me,

appears in my own, curling

many times over at its corners

then fades.

Onward and Upward,

Kevin Dufresne

Beautiful Yellow Flower

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