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Advance Friends with Benefits

How are you?


Let’s acknowledge mutual attraction.

Some minds are too fresh from wombs of everyone else’s misunderstandings or understandings—experiences, intentions, & teachings.

Better to properly discern & learn than always be in knowing, I think.

An opinion is usually up for debate.

How do or will you choose to interpret from your learnings & self-intentions?

Let’s not conflate love with lust.

Do I want a child? One though I don’t mind more. A family? Yes

A pretty-beautiful wife? Yes. A house? Businesses, farms, mansions, lake houses—a global home.

Meet me at today.

Let’s start with the body, our bodies.

Is not the mind present in one’s choice physical formation?

I’m not attacking or judging anyone.

I’m body positive about my body too.

Do I appreciate a pretty visage? Yes, better with a pretty personality.

What do I think of relationships? Relationships are easy with me especially if you’re doing all that is necessary in your purposeful life, all that you reasonably may toward your goal or goals, good woman, and we’re mutually choicely cognizant of each other.

I don’t really want anything from you, just your best.

I don’t really want anything for you, just what’s necessarily best.

Conversations will be.

Your STD Testing Record is as important to me, if not more than, as your driver’s license is for you to drive a vehicle.

Sexual Responsibility.

Your STD Testing Record is a measure for your sexual report card, you can’t be an A, B, C, D—student without it, with me. Make sure to bring it with an open mind, a sexual appetite, and a willingness to expand sexually, personally, sexual palettes.

We’ll learn more about each other.

Loving and liking before attraction, romantically first, before sexual activity with an STD Testing Record, is rushing.

Excuse my chuckling.

Am I allergic to condoms? No.

Oh, you like to wear condoms in a relationship?

Women’s condoms come in large-plus sizes?

Cunnilingus on call? With proper scheduling, yes.

Do I drink coffee? No, I drink tea though I do have coffee blends, Haitian & Rwandan, and an Espro Press P3 I’m ready to use from watching video tutorials, so I can make you a cup or so, or you can make your own cup or so.

What do I think about marriage? I think marriage is for legacy purposes—and establishing a country—communities. It’s like advance friends with benefits though potentially with a billion more constraints—which, ultimately varies per marriage/relationship. If embarking on the path comes about, I want to keep both family names. Bring your mother’s maiden name too.

Am I loyal? Until it’s necessary to decide otherwise, which we’ll need to discuss together. Our developments romantically, or otherwise, will be up to us to decide if, how, when, where, why, what—we start, continue, end, etc.

Am I ready? Yes, and reasonably willing.

Onward and Upward,

Kevin Dufresne

My single, “Advance Friends with Benefits,” is available on all major streaming platforms:

Producer: Ryini Beats

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